Whatever arguments are put up for and against My Health Record and the current push to make it opt-out, there are two inescapable facts:
The government has also exempted itself from the framework for secondary use of My Health Record system data [1], and considers itself some sort of privileged user rather than the “third-party” everyone else believes it is, including the AMA as quoted by the Parliamentary Library in its scathing criticism of the claims of the Health Minister and the ADHA [2].
2. No matter what the government now claims about the laws and regulations that protect the system your privacy and your security, there is no way to enforce these or any other claims on future governments. The system has already been changed from opt-in to opt-out; the government removed the requirement to obtain your consent to register you for a record and to acquire your data and disseminate it to health care professionals.
These two facts are enough to demand the current My Health Record opt-out program be suspended and the data currently in it deleted. It is the only way that Australians can be assured that this and future governments will not abuse our health data and our trust.
Dr Bernard Robertson-Dunn | 0411 157 113 | Bernard.Robertson-Dunn@privacy.org.au |