APF Newsletter 11 October 2005

Among the other voices calling for our civil rights not to be lost in the rush to fight ‘the war on terror,’ the Australian Privacy Foundation has been trying to inject some sense into the public debate.

See the web-site for updates of the media and policy activities in which we have been involved since August.

And here are some dates for your diary:

Wednesday 12 October – the last day for you to nominate someone for a Big Brother Award. Check your watch – there may still be time! Go to https://www.privacy.org.au/bba/.

Tuesday 8 November – the Big Brother Awards will be held in Melbourne, from 4.30pm for 5pm, till 7.30pm. Come along for a talk by Brian Walters SC, President of Liberty Victoria, on terrorism in a time of fear. Enjoy the presentation of the awards, hosted by APF Chair Anna Johnston. And stay for a drink and chat afterwards. We’re sending out invitations to all members soon.

Tuesday 29 November – the APF Annual General Meeting. It will be an online meeting, by IRC, as in previous years.

At the AGM on 29 November, five positions on the Board will be available to be filled. We’ll be calling for nominations shortly, so think about whether you’d like to become more involved in the Foundation’s activities by being on the Board.
