Here’s an update on what the Australian Privacy Foundation has been doing, and what’s coming up.
(1) Policy Activities
A report by Nigel Waters on submissions, letters and other policy work done since February is attached.
Volunteers are always sought for this work. In particular, we have just been asked to make a submission by 6 May on the review of access to communication under the Telecommunications (Interception) Act. Would anyone able to help with this or any of the other projects set out in the policy report please contact Nigel.
Roger Clarke has updated our website and made it easier to find past submissions and other papers. Policy papers are now sorted by topic. You can also find them via the main Papers index. See also the ‘Resources for Researchers’ heading.
(2) Big Brother Awards coming to Melbourne
This year, the Big Brother Awards will be held in Melbourne during Privacy Awareness week in Melbourne: 28 August – 3 September. Volunteers to help organise the event are being sought – our Victorian members in particular are encouraged to contact David Vaile, who is chairing the organising sub-committee.
(3) Media Activities
The APF has been vocal in a variety of issues this year. A report by Anna Johnston on media activities since February is attached.
The policy and media reports were prepared for a meeting of the APF Board last Tuesday 12 April. These reports are for APF members only, so please do not forward them to anyone else – but feel free to use the information they contain.
Lindy Smith
APF Secretary