APF Newsletters are mostly ‘occasional’. But this one contains news ‘hot off the press’.
1. ‘Go on, Google me’
Anna Funder, renowned author, and member of the APF Advisory Panel, published a piece in the (Fairfax) Good Weekend supplement of Saturday 10 August 2013, called ‘Go on, Google me’. (Or maybe just Google it …).
2. Public Advisory Statements on the PCEHR
Previous Public Advisory Statements, on the Access Card and the Census, and most recently on ABS Compulsory Surveys, have attracted a great deal of attention. Through its Health Committee, APF has published two new FAQs today, 11 August 2013, on the ‘Personally-Controlled’ Electronic Health Record (PCEHR):
- for Consumers
- for Clinicians
They were announced by means of this Media Release.
3. Major Policy Statements
During the five months since the last occasional newsletter, members of the APF Board and Committees have been very active in making submissions and releasing new policy statements. Of particular significance have been generic Policy Statements on:
- International Data Privacy Standards (August)
- Meta-Principles for Privacy Protection (April)
- Privacy Impact Assessments (April)
You can keep track of new papers, review past submissions, and consult current Policy Statements.
4. Sir Zelman Cowen Essay Competition
With the support of Gilbert + Tobin, APF has launched this competition, to be judged by the distinguished Evaluation Panel of Elizabeth Evatt AC, Julian Burnside AO QC and Professor George Williams AO. It is open to current university graduate and undergraduate students. Submissions close on 7 December 2013.
And, while we’re talking to you … Membership Renewals
It’s that time of year again (except for Life Members, of course). Details are in the recent reminder email, and on the Membership Form.
And don’t overlook the other contributions you can make to privacy protection and/or the APF.