- Government Policy re Authentication Online, Letter to Minister Tanner (22 December 2009), and the vague Media Release in question (21 December 2009)
- Disclosure of Personal Data by Victoria Police – submission to the Victorian Privacy Commissioner (8 December 2009), and the OVPC’s Media Release (later on 8 December 2009)
- Disclosure of Personal Data by Victoria Police – submission to the Victorian Commissioner for Law Enforcement Data Security (8 December 2009), and the Commissioner’s evasive ‘reply’ (14 December 2009)
- Disclosure of Personal Data by Victoria Police – submission to the Federal Privacy Commissioner (8 December 2009), and further submission (9 December 2009)
- The Biometrics Institute Privacy Code should be de-registered, Submission to the Privacy Commissioner (3 December 2009), and the PC’er’s reply (29 Mar 2010)
- Cross Border Data Transfers, Submission to Dept of Prime Minister & Cabinet (30 November 2009)
- Cloud Computing, Policy Statement (11 November 2009)
- Review of the Do Not Call Register, to Dept of Broadband etc. (DBCDE) (21 October 2009)
- Visual Surveillance including CCTV, Policy Statement (14 October 2009)
- Global Privacy Standards for a Global World, Signatory to International Declaration (14 October 2009), mirrored here
- NEHTA Strategic Plan 2009-10 to 2011-12, Comments submitted to NEHTA (12 October 2009)
- Campaigning for consumers in communications, Submission to Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) (10 October 2009)
- Data Linkage between NSW Police and Medicare, Letter to Clth Privacy Commissioner (5 October 2009)
- Individual Health Identifiers, Letter to Clth Health Minister (5 October 2009)
- The Healthelink Scheme, Public Statement (28 September 2009)
- Review of the Telecommunications (Emergency Call Services) Determination, to ACMA (27 September 2009)
- eHealth Data and Health Identifiers, Policy Statement (28 August 2009)
- eHealth Care Data Breach, Policy Statement (28 August 2009)
- PIA re Verification under the AML-CTF Act, to Clth A/G’s Dept (August 2009)
- Privacy Aspects of the ABC Code, to Managing Director of the ABC (18 August 2009)
- Review of Secrecy Laws, to ALRC (16 August 2009)
- Computer Network Protection Amendments to the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act, to Clth A/G’s Dept (14 August 2009)
- Healthcare Identifiers, to AHMAC, Clth Dept of Health & Ageing (13 August 2009)
- Cyber Crime Inquiry, to HoR Standing Committee on Communications (5 August 2009)
- Personal Property Securities – re PIA Report, to Clth A/G’s (31 July 2009)
- Consumer Advocacy Research, to Clth Treasury (31 July 2009)
- Access to Share Registers, to Clth Treasury (21 July 2009)
- Health Practitioner Regulation National Law 2009, submission to the National Health Workforce Taskforce (15 July 2009)
- Personal Property Securities – Missing PIA Hinders Debate, to Clth A/G’s (11 July 2009), and PIA Report (15 July 2009), and the A/G’s Response (4 August 2009)
- National Human Rights Consultation, to Clth A/G’s (15 June 2009)
- Personal Property Securities Bill 2008, Outstanding Concerns, to Clth A/G’s (12 June 2009)
- Health card plan, to Federal government minister Roxon (9 June 2009), and the eventual reply from the Minister (26 November 2009)
- Health-e-Link, to NSW government minister Della Bosca (9 June 2009)
- FOI Reform, to NSW Dept of Premier and Cabinet (June 2009)
- AusCheck Amendment Bill 2009 (Cth), to Senate Legal & Constitutional Committee (June 2009)
- ‘Nurses paid to scout for Vioxx drug firm’, to OFPC (May 2009)
- Medical Director and AsteRx data, to OFPC (May 2009), and reply (May 2005)
- Review of Consumer-related Industry Code Processes, to the Dept of Broadband Communications and the Digital Economy (May 2009)
- Review of the Freedom of Information Act 1991 (Tas), Submission to Tasmanian Department of Justice (May 2009)
- Freedom of Information Reform, Submission to Department of Prime Minister & Cabinet (May 2009)
- Compliance Audits on Medicare Benefits (MBS), Supplementary Submission to Senate Community Affairs Committee (May 2009), and Evidence to the Committee on 6 May
- Response to Supplementary Paper on Person-Controlled eHealth Records, to National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission (May 2009)
- National Registration of Health Workers, to Senate Community Affairs Committee (April 2009)
- Disclosure of Sensitive Personal Data to a Gambling Company, to Productivity Commission (April 2009), and the empty reply (May 2009)
- Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment Bill 2008, Supplementary Submission to Senate Legal and Constitutional C’tee (April 2009)
- Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment Bill 2008, Submission to Senate Legal and Constitutional C’tee (April 2009)
- Compliance Audits of Medicare Benefits (MBS), to Senate Community Affairs Committee (April 2009)
- Electronic Transfer of Pathology Data, to NEHTA (April 2009)
- Confidentiality Of Taxpayer Information / Tax Secrecy, to Clth Treasury (April 2009)
- Letter re Breaches of NPP 4.1,to OFPC, and the Privacy Commissioner’s positive reply, (April 2009)
- Comments re Draft Privacy and FOI Bills (Qld), to Queensland Premier (April 2009)
- Comments re Draft Information Sheets, to OFPC (April 2009)
- Policy Statement re Privacy and the Media (March 2009), and letters to the Media Alliance and Australia’s Right to Know Coalition
- Re Mobile Premium Services (MPS) Code and Guideline, joint NGO Letters to ACMA, ACCC, and The Minister (March 2009)
- Medicare Auditor Powers, Letter to The Canberra Times (March 2009)
- Medicare MBS Compliance Audit Initiative, Submission (March 2009)
- Interim Report of the National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission (NHHRC), Submission (March 2009)
- Unique Patient ID or Patient Health?, Letter to The Australian (March 2009)
- Healthelink, Letter to the SMH (March 2009)
- Disclosure of Genetic Information Without Consent, Submission to NHMRC (March 2009)
- Digital Economy Future Directions, Submission to Dept of Broadband etc. (DBCDE) (February 2009)
- ALRC Report Part H – Health, Submission to Clth PM & C (February 2009)
- Harmonisation of Multi-centre Ethical Review (HOMER), Submission to NHMRC (February 2009)
- National [Medical] Accreditation and Registration Scheme (NRAS), Submission to Health Workforce (February 2009)
- Draft Model Spent Convictions Bill, Submission to the Clth Attorney-General’s Dept (February 2009)
- Fair Work Bill, Submission to the Senate Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Committee (February 2009)
- Personal Property Securities Bill, Evidence to the Senate Legal & Constitutional C’tee (January 2009), mirrored here
- Funding of National Consumer Representation, Letters to Federal Ministers and certain MPs supporting CFA proposal (January 2009)
- Privacy Principles & Interstate Disclosure – GQ v NSW DET [2008] NSWADT 3191, Letters to NSW Privacy Commissioner & ors. (January 2009)
- Personal Property Securities Bill 2008, Submission to Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs (December 2008)
- Evaluation of the Healthelink Records Pilot, Submission to NSW Health Minister Della Bosca (December 2008)
- NHHRC E-Health Discussion Paper, Letter to The Australian (December 2008)
- Increased MBS Compliance Audits, Letter to Dept of Health and Ageing (November 2008)
- Heart Foundation 2008 Survey, Letter to the National President, Bruce Carter (November 2008)
- Health Information Privacy, Paper presented at Health Privacy Futures Conf., Brisbane (November 2008)
- Standard Business Reporting (SBR) Project, Submission to the Commonwealth Treasury (November 2008), and the Program Director’s Reply of November, p.1 and p.2
- Privacy Legislation in New South Wales, Submission to N.S.W. Law Reform Commission re Consultation Paper 3 (October 2008)
- Enforcement of the Do Not Call Register, Policy Update (October 2008)
- Body Scanning at Airports, Policy Statement (October 2008)
- Victoria’s Whole of Health ICT Strategy, Letter to the Minister (October 2008)
- Personal Property Securities Reform Regulations, Submission to the Attorney-General’s Dept (October 2008)
- Anonymous Use of the Adelaide Public Transport System, Letter to the S.A. Transport Minister (October 2008), and the Minister’s vacuous response (January 2009)
- Release of Patient Records for Medicare Auditing, Letter to Privacy Minister for Human Services (September 2008)
- Anonymous Use of Public Roads and Public Transport, Letter to Privacy and Human Rights Commissioners (September 2008), and the replies from:
- NSWPC, p. 1 and p.2 (December 2008)
- OFPC (December 2008)
- OVPC (December 2008)
- Secret Provisions of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) Must be Made Public, Sign-on to an international movement (September 2008)
- N.S.W. Government Travel Smartcard, Letter to the N.S.W. Minister for Transport (September 2008)
- Identity Scanning by Registered Clubs (Sep 2008)
- Misleading Government Claims re N.T. eHealth Implementation, Letter to the Editor of The Australian (September 2008)
- Election Challenge – A.C.T. (September 2008)
- Privacy Blueprint for the Indivual Electronic Health Record (IEHR), Submission to NEHTA (August 2008)
- Google StreetView, Policy Statement (August 2008)
- Personal Property Securities Bill 2008, Submission to the Attorney-General’s Dept (August 2008)
- Info Sheet on Part 13 of the Telecommunications Act, Submission to the Privacy Commissioner (August 2008)
- Info Sheet on Privacy Act / Spam Act Interaction, Submission to the Privacy Commissioner (August 2008)
- SWIFT Complaint, Further Letter to the Privacy Commissioner (July 2008) re the SWIFT Complaint, Privacy Commissioner’s holding reply (October 2007) and utterly inadequate ‘substantive’ response (June 2008)
- Re ANPR, consultation documents from Crimtrac 1, 2, 3, 4, and the PIA Consultant’s Meeting Notes of 12 June and 13 June (June 2008)
- Re Communications Alliance’s lack of attention to privacy, APF Letter (9 June 2008), CA’s Reply (19 June 2008), and APF’s Further Letter (30 June 2008)
- Re the OECD Ministerial Meeting on The Future of the Internet Economy, Commentary, and Letter to the Minister for Broadband etc. (June 2008)
- Queensland Driver’s Licence, further letter to Qld Premier (June 2008), and the reply (November 2008)
- Data Breach Notification Guidelines, Submission to the Federal Privacy Commissioner (June 2008)
- National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission, Submission and Summary (May 2008)
- Conduct of 2007 Elections: Postal vote applications mailed by political parties, Joint Stdg Ctee on Electoral Matters (May 2008)
- ISP-Level Content Filtering, Policy Position (May 2008)
- Media Report re a ‘Common Registration Process’, Letter to the Prime Minister and Treasurer (May 2008), and the vacuous reply from PM&C (May 2008)
- Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment Bill 2008, Supplementary Submission to Senate C’tee (April 2008)
- Workplace Email, Policy Statement (April 2008)
- Google StreetView, Policy Statement (April 2008)
- Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment Bill 2008, Submission to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affaits C’tee (April 2008)
- Biometrics, Policy Statement (April 2008)
- Card Scheme; and Access Card Documents, letter to Minister for Human Services (March 2008), and the Minister’s response (May 2008)
- RFID-Tagging in the new ACT Prison, submission to ACT Corrective Services Minister (March 2008), and the Minister’s response (April 2008)
- Automated Number Plate Recognition (ANPR), Verbal Evidence to Queensland Parltry Travelsafe C’tee – pp. 10-16 (March 2008)
- Automated Number Plate Recognition (ANPR), Policy Statement (March 2008)
- Biometrics of Visitors to Queensland Correctional Centres, Letter to Qld Minister for Police (March 2008)
- Queensland Driver’s Licence, Letter to Qld Premier (March 2008), and the Premier’s response (May 2008)
- Report on Discussions re the APEC Privacy Initiative (February 2008)
- Letter of Welcome, to the incoming NSW Privacy Commissioner, Judge Ken Taylor (January 2008)
- Automatic Number Plate Recognition Technology (ANPR), to the Queensland Parliamentary Travelsafe Committee (January 2008)
- Review of Australian Privacy Law – DP 72 – Pt J Telecommunications, to the ALRC (January 2008 – 11 pp.)
- Review of Australian Privacy Law – DP 72 – Pt H Health Services and Research, to the ALRC (January 2008 – 9 pp.)
- Demands for the Identity of Library Users, to the State Library of S.A. (January 2008)
- Review of Australian Privacy Law – Discussion Paper 72, to the ALRC (December 2007 – 100 pp.)
- Publication of CCTV Photos of Passers-By, to AFP and The Canberra Times (December 2007), and reply from the AFP (April 2008)
- AML-CTF legislation – Second Tranche, to Minister for Finance and Deregulation (December 2007)
- Restricted Access Systems Declarations (re MA15+, R18+ content), submission to ACMA (November 2007)
- The State of Media Freedom, 2nd submission to Australia’s Right to Know Coalition (October 2007)
- Biometrics of Visitors to Queensland Correctional Centres, to Qld Minister for Police (October 2007), and the Minister’s Reply, p. 1 and p. 2 (November 2007)
- Declaration of Civil Society Organizations on the Role of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners, to the Commissioners, in Montreal (25 September 2007)
- Swipe Cards in ACT Schools, to ACT Minister for Education (September 2007)
- AML-CTF legislation – Second Tranche, to Shadow Attorney-General (September 2007)
- AML-CTF legislation – Second Tranche, to Attorney-General’s Dept (September 2007)
- Unsolicited Commercial Faxes or Fax Spam, to DCITA (30 August 2007)
- Access Card Bill, re 2nd Exposure Draft, submission to Dept of Human Services (August 2007)
- RFID Tagging of Prisoners, submission to A.C.T. Human Rights Commissioner (August 2007), and the Commission’s response (December 2007)
- Scanning of Identification Documents, submission to Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner (August 2007)
- The State of Media Freedom, submission to Australia’s Right to Know Coalition (August 2007)
- Use of IPND information to provide Location Dependent Carriage Services (LDCS), submission to DCITA (August 2007)
- Access Card Briefing Document (August 2007)
- Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment Bill 2007, submission to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee (July 2007)
- Workplace Privacy, submission to Standing Committee of Attorneys-General (July 2007)
- Election Challenge – 2007 (July 2007)
- The Howard Government’s Proposed National ID Scheme, slide-set for presentation to U3A (July 2007)
- RFID-Tagging in the new ACT Prison, submission to ACT Corrective Services Minister (July 2007), and the Minister’s response (August 2007)
- Tenancy Database Regulations, submission to Cth AGs re Draft Privacy (Private Sector) Amendment Regs (June 2007)
- ‘What we do (and still don’t) know about the proposed ‘Access Card’: An Information Paper with questions for the Government, and answers for the public’, Version 2, for the public (May 2007)
- EFTS Code Review, submission to ASIC (May 2007)
- Draft Telecommunications (Do Not Call Register) (Telemarketing and Research Calls) Industry Standard Variation 2007: Proposed ‘Sunday call’ variation, Submission to ACMA (May 2007)
- Access Card: Registration, Submission to the Task Force (13 April 2007)
- Further Dilution of the Do Not Call Register, Submission to ACMA (13 April 2007)
- The Access Card – A Way Forward, Letter to Incoming Minister Ellison (30 March 2007)
- Credit Reporting Provisions, ALRC Issues Paper No. 32 (March 2007)
- Access Card: Emergency Medical Info (Discussion Paper #2), to Access Card Taskforce (March 2007)
- Submission to NeHTA re UHI Blueprint (March 2007)
- ‘The Access Card – fallacies and facts’ (Public Forum, Canberra, March 2007)
- Draft Consumer Privacy Code of Practice on RFID in Retail (March 2007)
- Postal Voting, Australian Electoral Commission (March 2007)
- Responses to Questions on Notice, Senate Committee re Human Services (Enhanced Service Delivery) Bill 2007 (March 2007)
- IPND Scheme and Legislative Instruments, to ACMA and DCITA (March 2007)
- Government Agency Coercive Information-Gathering Powers, to the Administrative Review Council (March 2007)
- Letter to Parties re NSW Election regarding their Privacy Platform (March 2007)
- Speech to Senate C’tee re Human Services (Enhanced Service Delivery) Bill 2007 (March 2007)
- Submission to Senate C’tee re Human Services (Enhanced Service Delivery) Bill 2007 (February 2007))
- Submission to NSW Ombudsman re ‘Lockdown powers’ Issues Paper, Dec 2006 (February 2007)
- Subm. to Senate C’tee re AusCheck Bill 2006 (February 2007)
- Subm. to Cth AGs Dept re Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Bill 2007 Exposure Draft (February 2007)
- Letter to Minister Campbell re banks and ‘Access Card’ (February 2007)
- Letter to Privacy Commissioner re SWIFT Complaint of Jul/Oct 2006 (February 2007)
- Subm. to AGs re ‘Personal Properties Securities – 1. Registration and Search’ (February 2007)
- Letter to Office of Access Card (February 2007)
- Subm. to ALRC privacy review (February 2007)
- Letter to new Human Services Minister Ian Campbell re the ‘Access Card’ (January 2007)
- Subm. to Dept of Human Services re Access Card Bill (January 2007)
- Letter to NSW Premier Iemma re appointment of a Privacy Commissioner (January 2007)
- Letter to Victorian Premier Bracks re appointment of a Privacy Commissioner (January 2007)
- Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Bill 2006, plus Supplementary 1 and Supplementary 2, to Senate Legal and Constitutional Committee (November 2006)
- Telecommunications Amendment (Integrated Public Number Database) Bill 2006, to Senators (November 2006)
- NSW Education Bill – an unjustified threat to privacy: letters to Minister and Shadow Minister (14 November 2006)
- ‘The Access Card – fallacies and facts’, Speech at public forum (9 November 2006)
- Breach of Privacy Act by Australian Financial Institutions (through SWIFT), to Privacy Commissioner (October 2006)
- Market and Social Research Privacy Code, to AMSRO (October 2006)
- Privacy Legislation Amendment (Emergencies and Disasters) Bill 2006, to Senate Legal and Constitutional C’tee (September 2006)
- Performance Benchmarking of Australian Business Regulation, to Productivity Commission (September 2006)
- Taxation Security and Disclosure Provisions, to Dept of Treasury (September 2006)
- Calling Number Display, with CTN, to Communications Alliance (September 2006)
- Proposed Telemarketing Standard, to ACMA (September 2006)
- Privacy Legislation Amendment Bill 2006, to Privacy Commissioner (August 2006)
- Anti-Money Laundering/Counter-Terrorism Financing Bill 2006, to A/G’s and AusTRAC (August 2006)
- Access to Court Records, to N.S.W. A/G’s (July 2006)
- Submission to national ID card (‘Access Card’) task force, with covering letter (July 2006)
- SWIFT – disclosures of Australians’ financial information without warrant to the USA, to Privacy Commissioner (July 2006)
- Why every Australian should oppose the ‘Access Card’ (July 2006)
- Spot the difference: national ID card proposals (June 2006)
- Do Not Call Register Bill 2006, to a Senate Committee (June 2006)
- Extradition Law and Practice, to Attorney-General’s Dept (April 2006)
- Charging for unlisted numbers (Silent lines), to OFPC, TIO, ACMA and ACCC (April 2006)
- Anti-Money Laundering / Counter-Terrorism Financing Legislation, to Attorney-General’s Department and AUSTRAC (April 2006)
- Identity checks for pre-paid mobile phones, to ACMA (April 2006)
- Ethical Conduct in Human Research, to NH&MRC (March 2006)
- Anti-Money Laundering / Counter-Terrorism Financing Legislation, to Senate Legal & Constitutional Committee (March 2006)
- Genetic Testing Policy of the Investment and Financial Services Association Ltd (IFSA), to ACCC (March 2006)
- Telecommunications (Interception) Amendment Bill 2006, to Senate Legal & Constitutional Committee (March 2006)
- Electoral and Referendum Amendment (Electoral Integrity and Other Measures) Bill 2005, to Senate Finance and Public Administration Committee (March 2006)
- Security Legislation Review, Clth A/G’s, Supplementary Submission (February 2006)
- Costs of Consumer Codes, to ACMA (February 2006)
- Review of the Spam Act, to DCITA (February 2006)
- Terrorism (Extraordinary Temporary Powers) Bill 2005, to ACT Government (January 2006)
- Citizenship Bill and Biometric Identifiers, to a Senate Committee (January 2006)
- Security Legislation Review, Clth A/G’s (January 2006)
- Application to the ACCC re the ADMA Code (December 2005)
- Letter to the Federal Privacy Commissioner re the ACT Government (December 2005)
- Letter to the NSW Privacy Commissioner (December 2005)
- Reply from the NSW Privacy Commissioner (December 2005)
- The Documents that the NSW Privacy Commissioner says don’t need to remain publicly available (but we do), safely stored on the Wayback Machine:
- A Guide to the Workplace Video Surveillance Act 1998 (NSW) (February 2002), mirrored here
- Position Paper on the Health Records & Information Privacy Bill 2002 (June 2002), mirrored here
- Position Paper on Child Offenders (July 2002), mirrored here
- The Tape Recording of Council Meetings (May 2004), mirrored here
- Letter to the Tasmanian Ombudsman (December 2005)
- Submission re a Do-Not-Call Register, to DoCITA (November 2005)
- Submission re Anti-Terrorism Bill (No. 2) 2005 to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Committee (November 2005)
- Submission to ACIF re the Code for the Handling of Life Threatening and Unwelcome Calls (November 2005)
- Submission to the Human Gene Patents and Genetic Testing Advisory Group (November 2005)
- Briefing on proposed new Anti-Terrorism Bill (October 2005)
- Submission to a Senate Committee re Video-Link Evidence (October 2005)
- Submission re ACMA Consultation Paper: Disclosure of CLI to 190 Service Providers (October 2005)
- Submission re Review of the Queensland Club Industry Privacy Code (October 2005)
- ‘E-tags are another example of surveillance by stealth’ (SMH Ope-Ed Piece by Chair Anna Johnston, 25 August 2005)
- ACMA re Integrated Public Number Database (IPND) (31 July 2005)
- ACCC and ASIC re Debt Collection (29 July 2005)
- Open Letter to Coalition MPs re a National Id Scheme (28 July 2005)
- Federal Parliamentary Joint Committee on ASIO, ASIS and DSD (25 July 2005)
- Senate Telecommunications Regulation Inquiry (14 July 2005)
- ABS’s Privacy Impact Assessment of Census Proposals (11 July 2005)
- ‘Big Brother to watch the days of our lives’: Submission to the ABS on proposed changes to the Census (7 June 2005)
- Commentary on the OFPC’s Privacy Act review report (6 June 2005)
- Opening Statement to Senate Committee on the Privacy Act Review (18 May 2005)
- Review of Access to Communications under Telecomms (Interception) Act (May 2005)
- Analysis of NSW Workplace Surveillance Bill (May 2005)
- 6th Letter to DFAT re Passports Act Amendments (April 2005)
- NSW Minister for Education & Training re Student ID Card Proposal (April 2005)
- Senate Committee re Review of the Privacy Act – Supplementary (March 2005)
- The NSW Photo Card Bill – How To Fix It (March 2005)
- Senate Committee re Review of the Privacy Act (March 2005)
- From Commonwealth Attorney-General, Ruddock, re Document Verification System (9 March 2005)
- Australian Statistician re Census 2006 (8 March 2005)
- OFPC re Medicare and PBS Guidelines (February 2005)
- HREOC re Employment Discrimination based on Criminal Records (February 2005)
- Victorian Privacy Commissioner re Privacy Impact Assessment Guidelines (February 2005)
- 31 Questions for the NSW Minister for Roads about the Photo Card Bill 2004 (February 2005)
- Review of the NSW Photo Card Bill 2004 (February 2005)
- NSW Minister for Roads – 2nd Letter re Drivers’ Licence Photo Card Bill 2004 (February 2005)
- To Commonwealth Attorney-General, Ruddock, re Document Verification System (February 2005)
- Australian Privacy Commissioner re Document Verification System (February 2005)
- Australian Privacy Commissioner re Privacy Impact Assessment Guidelines (February 2005)
- Letter to The Australian re Support for FoI Appeal (January 2005)
- NSW Minister for Roads – 1st Letter re Drivers’ Licence Photo Card Bill 2004 (January 2005)
- Letter to the Editor re Beach Cameras (January 2005)
- N.S.W. Police re Numberplate Recognition Technology (January 2005)
- Australian Privacy Commissioner re Numberplate Recognition Technology (January 2005)
- Aust Communications Authority: Regulatory Issues re VoIP (January 2005)
- Review of the Private Sector Provisions of the Privacy Act 1988 (December 2004)
- Letter to Victorian Police re Strategies for Handling Organised Crime (December 2004)
- Vic Law Reform Commission re Workplace Privacy Options Paper (November 2004)
- IIA and ACA re Draft Spam Code (November 2004)
- ACIF re Unfair Consumer Contracts (November 2004)
- NSW Parliamentarians re State Records Amendment Bill 2004 (October 2004)
- Summary of Responses to APF’s Election Challenge to Political Parties, including the ALP, Democrats and Liberals (October 2004)
- FOI Request for Submissions re the Anti-Money Laundering Reform (AML) process (September 2004)
- APF’s Election Challenge to Political Parties (August 2004)
- N.S.W. Attorney-General re Workplace Surveillance Bill (August 2004)
- Transcript of Evidence to Qld Crime and Misconduct Commission re: Police Radio Communications Access (29 July 2004)
- Senate Legal and Constitutional Committee re Telecommunications (Interception) Amendment (Stored Communications) Bill 2004 (June 2004)
- Queensland Crime and Misconduct Commission re: Police Radio Communications Access (June 2004)
- e-Health Issues from a Health Consumer’s Perspective (June 2004)
- Attorney-General re Telecommunications Interception Bill (1 June 2004)
- 5th Letter to DFAT re Passports Act Amendments (31 May 2004)
- Subsequent Correspondence with NSW Attorney-General’s Dept (19 May 2004)
- To Australian Communications Authority re Customer Information (18 May2004)
- Summary of To NSW Attorney-General’s Dept re Review of NSW Privacy Act (17 May 2004)
- To NSW Attorney-General’s Dept re Review of NSW Privacy Act (17 May 2004)
- Mobile Location, to the Australian Communications Authority (30 April 2004)
- Google GMail Service – Letter to Federal Privacy Commissioner (23 April 2004)
- Clth Attorney-General re Employee Records (16 April 2004)
- Letter to the E.U. regarding misleading assurances by the Australian Government re the protection of Passenger Name Record (PNR) data, and detailed letter to the Attorney-General (5 April 2004)
- Biometrics Institute Draft Privacy Code of Practice (30 March 2004)
- Recommendations for Improvements to APEC Privacy Principles [HTML](19 March 2004)
- Anti-Money Laundering Reforms (19 March 2004)
- 4th Letter to DFAT re Passports Act Amendments (15 March 2004)
- Letter to DFAT re U.S. Fingerprinting of Australians (5 March 2004)
- 3rd Letter to DFAT re Passports Act Amendments (2 March 2004)
- 2nd Letter to DFAT re Passports Act Amendments (25 February 2004)
- Position on Telecommunications (Interception) Amendment Bill 2004 (February 2004)
- ACCC re ADMA Application for revised Direct Marketing Code of Practice (February 2004)
- DFAT re Proposed Revision of the Passports Act (February 2004)
- NSW Health re Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002: Draft Statutory Guidelines (November 2003)
- Submission to Queensland Transport re the proposed Smartcard-based Driver’s Licence (November 2003)
- Letter to the Opposition and Cross-Benches re the Privacy and Personal Information Protection (Amendment) Bill (NSW), to disestablish the 28-year-old N.S.W. Privacy Commission and in other respects weaken privacy protections [PDF] (November 2003)
- Submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on the Australian Crime Commission re CyberCrime Inquiry (August 2003)
- Submission re the South Australian Criminal Law Consolidation (Identity Theft) Amendment Bill 2003 (August 2003)
- Report by representatives on the Austrac Privacy Consultative Committee to Privacy, Consumer and Civil Liberties Groups (August 2003)
- Letter to Standards Australia re Handbook on Management of IT Evidence (May 2003)
- Submission to the Australian Casino Association re its draft Privacy Code (May 2003)
- Letter to the NSW Electoral Commissioner (May 2003)
- Letter to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on the Australian Crime Commission re the Cybercrime Inquiry (April)
- Submission to the National Health Privacy Working Group of the Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council on the Draft National Health Privacy Code (April 2003)
- Letter to N.S.W. Liberal Party re Toll Booths (February 2003)
- Submission to the OFPC on draft Information Sheet: “Taking reasonable steps ….” (January 2003)
- Submission re the Victorian Law Reform Commission’s Issues Paper: “Workplace Privacy” (January 2003)
- Submission to the Australian Law Reform Commission on ALRC Discussion Paper 66, August 2002, on Protection of Human Genetic Information (January 2003)
- Submission to OFPC on draft Information Sheet: Questions and Answers about Privacy and Personal Information that is Publicly Available (December 2002)
- Submission to the Federal Privacy Commissioner re Credit Reporting Determination 2002 No 1 (Classes of Credit Providers) (10 November 2002)
- Submission to the A.C.A. re ENUM (2 November 2002)
- Submission to Australian Communications Industry Forum on draft revised Calling Number Display Code of Practice (DR C522) (November 2002)
- Submission to Consumer Policy Division of the Commonwealth dept of Treasury, on the review of the MCCA Model Code of Practice on Direct Marketing (October 2002)
- Submission to National Office of the Information Economy investigation into possible control of unsolicited emails (Spam) (May 2002 – APCC)
- Submission to OFPC on Consultation Paper on Privacy – Collection of Publicly Available Personal Information (September 2002)
- Submission to Attorney-General’s Dept Review of Pt 1D of Crimes Act (Crimtrac) (September 2002)
- Submissions to OFPC on Application from ACHA Health for Public Interest Determination (July and August 2002)
- Submission to OFPC on Public Interest Determination Procedure Guidelines (July 2002)
- N.S.W. Office of State Revenue on Review of N.S.W. Fines Act (June 2002)
- Submission to Australian Communications Authority consultation on a draft Internet Services Provider Guideline re Consumer Information (May 2002 – APCC)
- Submission to Australian Communications Industry Forum on Draft Industry Guideline on Consultation with Consumer Representatives (May 2002 – APCC)
- Submission to Senate Legal and Constitutional Committee Inquiry into Telecommunications Interception Legislation Amendment Bill 2002 (April 2002 – APCC)
- Submission to ALRC/AHEC Inquiry into the Protection of Human Genetic Information (March 2002 – APCC)
- Submission to Victorian Privacy Commissioner’s Inquiry on Building Permit information (March 2002 – APCC)
- Submission to Privacy Commissioner on Public Interest Determination application on behalf of the Director of Public Prosecutions – researchers access to case files (March 2002 – APCC)
- Contact with parliamentarians about DSD surveillance; Telecommunications Interception Legislation Amendment Bill 2002; Australian Protective Services merger into Federal Police (March 2002 – APCC)
- Submission to Senate Legal and Constitutional Committee Inquiry into the Proceeds of Crime Bill 2002 (February 2002 – APCC)
- Letter to Federal Privacy Commissioner (jointly by APCC, APF and ACA) concerning consultation on draft Codes of Practice. (February 2002 – APCC)
- Submission to Internet Industry Association on the IIA draft Privacy Code of Practice (October 2001 – APCC)
- Submission to an Inquiry by the Joint Parliamentary Committee on the National Crime Authority (August 2001 – APCC)
- Cybercrime Bill 2001, Senate Legal and Constitutional Committee (July 2001 – APCC)
- Public Key Infrastructure, Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner (July 2001 – APCC) (Word97 document, with revision-markings)
- Draft NPP Guidelines, Privacy Commissioner (July 2001 – APCC)
- Dept of Health and Aged Care’s BMMS (July 2001 – APCC)
- Code Development Guidelines, Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner (June 2001 – APCC) (Word97 document, with revision-markings)
- Proposed Code of Practice for disclosures of personal information outside New South Wales, Privacy NSW (May 2001 – APCC)
- Submission to the auDA Model Competition Advisory Panel re privacy aspects of the whois database (March 2001)
- Inquiry into the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Bill 2000 by the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs (August 2000)
- Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee re Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Bill 2000 (filename Submission Senate Aug 00) (August 2000 – APCC)
- Senate Select Committee on Information Technologies re e-Privacy (July 2000 – APCC) (filename Senate e-Privacy Inquiry July 0)
- House of Representatives Committee Inquiry re the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Bill 2000 (May 2000 – APCC) (Cwth May 00.doc)
- Proposed National Privacy Legislation (January 2000 – APCC) (CwthJan00.doc)
- Inquiry into the Management of Tax File Numbers, by the House of Representatives Committee on Economics, Finance and Public Administration (October 1999)
- Proposed legislation for the protection of privacy in the private sector (October 1999 – APCC) (CwthSept99.doc)
- House of Representatives Committee on Economics, Finance and Public Administration Inquiry into the Management of Tax File Numbers (October 1999 – APCC) (Reps TFN Inquiry.doc)
- Model Forensic Procedures Bill and the Proposed National DNA Database (July 1999 – APCC) (DNA.doc)
- Comments on A.C.C.C.’s Draft Determination re the Application By A.D.M.A. For Code Authorisation (June 1999 – APCC) (ADMA Code3.doc)
- Review of the Australian Security Intelligence Organization Legislation Amendment Bill 1999 (25 Apr 1999 – APCC)
- Review of the Australian Security Intelligence Organization Legislation Amendment Bill 1999 (21 Apr 1999 – APCC)
- Telecommunications Interception, March 1999 (TI Reviews.doc)
- Senate Committee Inquiry re Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) (January 1999 – APCC) (Senate Telco Inquiry.doc)
- Victorian Data Protection Bill Discussion Paper (January 1999 – APCC) (Victorian Bill 99.doc)
- National Pharmacy Intranet Demonstration Project (November 1998)
- Application By A.D.M.A. For A.C.C.C. Authorisation – Supplementary Submission (November 1998 – APCC) (ADMA Code2.doc)
- Application By Australian Direct Marketing Association For A.C.C.C. Authorisation Of A Code Of Conduct (October 1998 – APCC) (ADMA Code1.doc)
- Senate Select Committee on Information Technology Inquiry into Self-Regulation (Senate IT Inquiry.doc)
- Senate Legal & Constitutional References Committee’s Privacy Inquiry (June 1998 – APCC) (Senate Privacy Inquiry.doc)
- Joint Committee On Public Accounts Inquiry Into Internet Commerce (November 1997 – APCC) (JCPA Inet Inquiry.doc)
- AHEC (Aust Health E? Council?) re draft guidelines for the Protection of Privacy in the Conduct of Medical Research, Date? (Nhmrcsb1.doc)
- Financial System Inquiry (January 1997 – APCC) (Fsisb2.doc)
- Federal Office of Road Safety re Intelligent Transport Systems (January 1997 – APCC) (Forsub1.doc)
- Austrac’s Social Policy Working Group Discussion Paper (October 1996 – APCC) (Atracsb2.doc)
- Financial System Inquiry (the Ralph Review) (October 1996 – APCC) (Fsisb1.doc)
- Victorian Data Protection Advisory Council (October 1996 – APCC) (Mvicsb1.doc)
- Austrac’s Privacy Committee (October 1996 – APCC) (Atradsb1.doc)
- Austrac’s Electronic Task Force and its Social Policy Working Group (October 1996 – APCC) (Austrac.doc)
A Selection of Submissions Prior to 1996
- ALRC and the Admin Review Council’s Joint Review of the Freedom of Information Act (May 1995 – APCC) (Foisub1.doc)
- Submission to a Select Committee of the N.S.W. Parliament on the N.S.W. Privacy and Data Protection Bill 1994 (30 June 1994)
- National Childcare Accreditation Council (NCAC) (30 January 1994)
- Submission to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Banking, Finance and Public Administration’s Inquiry into Fraud on the Commonwealth (8 July 1992)
- Submission to the AUSTEL Inquiry into Telecommunications Privacy (27 February 1992)
- Evidence to the Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs re the Pharmaceutical Benefits Transfer to the Health Insurance Commission (June 1991)
- Seminar and Submission re the Data Matching Legislation (November 1990)
- Seminar and Submission re the Extension of the Privacy Act 1988 to the Credit Industry (May 1989)
- Submission re the Extension of the Tax File Number (1989)
- Submissions re the Privacy Bill 1988 (1988)
- Submissions and Petition re the Australia Card Bill (September 1987)