Dear ... Thank you for your email. The APF is run entirely by volunteers. We conduct research into privacy matters and make submissions to parliaments, government agencies and private sector organisations, seeking better privacy protections. The APF regrets that it is not in a position to provide advice, or to assist individuals in relation to specific complaints. The federal Privacy Commissioner covers both the federal public sector and the private sector. The complaints-page is here: In addition, there are Privacy Commissioner in three States and both Territories, which generally have an obligation to provide advice, and to handle complaints. See: All of those agencies generally expect a complainant to have already approached the organisation concerned. [[[[ If you can offer some constructive comment - which is great, then continue with ... ]]]] We offer the following reactions to your specific enquiry: [[[[ rest of email ]]]] Yours sincerely NAME, {'Board-member' or position-title}, Australian Privacy Foundation [[[[ Your usual personal or APF signature block ]]]]